Call for Papers
I International Colloquium -The Great War in Phaleristics
Organization: The Portuguese Phaleristics Academy (A.F.P.)
Seat: Lisbon – Portugal
Dates: 21-23 November 2014
Closing date for submissions: 15th March 2014
The Portuguese Phaleristics Academy (Academia Falerística de Portugal), Lisbon, Portugal, organizes the I International Colloquium -The Great War in Phaleristics, to commemorate the I Centenary of the First World War.
Its aim is to examine the impact of the Great War in Phaleristics, emphasizing the creation or the award of specific military or campaign medals and other decorations related with the War period, by the belligerent Nations, in an historical perspective, focusing on recent research and new approaches.
Submission Details
You are invited to submit a proposal for a paper not exceeding 25 pages (A4), including illustrations (images, graphics, tables etc.). The abstract should not exceed two pages, A4 size (saved as MS Word).
The official languages will be: Portuguese, English and French.
Proposals with a developed summary of the paper, up to 500 words, and a personal and academic C.V. of up to 250 words, should be e-mailed no later than 15th March 2014, to The Honourable Secretary Paulo Jorge Estrela, Publication Coordinator, the Portuguese Phaleristic Academy, Lisbon, Portugal, e-mail:
The following topics may serve as references, guides or general marks for the preparation of the papers to be submitted and subsequently published:
a) War Crosses and Military Medals (or Decorations) awarded to combatants, whether individuals, military units or cities, in WWI
b) The Interallied Victory Medals
c) Other decorations created after the War ended to reward war deeds
d) Medals and decorations awarded to civilians and non-combatants
e) Medals and decorations awarded to women related with the War effort
f) The Red Cross Medals of the Great War
g) The significance of WWI in Phaleristics
The papers accepted will be published. Prior to publication the articles undergo peer review by two external referees, in a process supervised by the coordinator Paulo Jorge Estrela and followed up by the Chairman of the Board of the AFP – Prof. Doutor Humberto Nuno de Oliveira assisted by the Scientific Committee.
There is the possibility of recommending to the author the reformulation of the original text in order to its publication.
The Proceedings will be published in English and launched at the Opening Session of the Colloquium.
In order to allow the editors to publish the book without delay, the authors of accepted papers must submit by e-mail the full text of their manuscripts, translated in English, no later than September 1st, 2014.
Manuscripts should be written according to the following instructions:
1-Font: Book Antiqua 11pt
2-Space 12pt
3-Paragraphs should not be spaced
4-Notes should be placed at the bottom of the page
5-References in the text and in footnotes should be by name and publication date, followed by page number, e.g. Strawson (1966: 18).
6-The works referred to should appear at the end of the paper in a separated Bibliography, and should be set out in alphabetical and chronological order, in the following format:
Brunning J., Forster P., eds, (1997), The Rule of Reason: the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
Kuklick, B., (2002), A History of Philosophy in America, 1720-2000, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Papers and book chapters:
Owen D., (1999), “Cultural Diversity and the Conversation of Justice: Reading Cavell on Political Voice and the Expression of Consent”, Political Theory, 27 (5), pp. 579-596.
McDowell J., (1995), “Two Kinds of Naturalism”, in Hursthouse R., ed., 1995, Virtues and Reasons: P. Foot and Moral Theory, Clarendon Press, New York.
Closing date for submissions: 15th March 2014
Acceptance Notification: 15thApril 2014
Closing date for sending of accepted papers: 1st September, 2014
Program disclosure: 31st July 2014
Organising Committee:
Humberto Nuno de Oliveira (Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, AFP)
José Vicente de Bragança (AFP)
Paulo Jorge Estrela (AFP)
Scientific Committee:
To be disclosed
Please send your submission proposals by e-mail: