The IV International Congress of Military Heraldry, organized by the Directorate of History and Military Culture of the Army Chief of Staff, with the collaboration of the Phaleristic Academy of Portugal and the Lusitanian Academy of Heraldry, ended yesterday, November 24.
In Panel 2 dedicated to the Military Phaleristics, the following Communications were presented, moderated by Guy DEPLOIGE – Curator of the Royal Museum of Armed Forces and Military History of Belgium:
“The French Croix de Guerre”, by the Corresponding Academician Jean-François DUBOS – Director of the Library of the Service historique de la Défense and lecturer at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University – Paris III
“The Inter-Allied Victory Medal“, by Paulo Jorge ESTRELA – Founder and Secretary-Treasurer of A.F.P.
“The Portuguese War Cross“, by the Founder and President of the Board of A.F.P.- Prof. Doctor Humberto Nuno de OLIVEIRA
After a short pause, the following Communications were presented, moderated by the Founder and Vice-President of A.F.P. – Dr. José Vicente de BRAGANÇA:
“The Czechoslovak War Cross”, by Dr. Pavol MARCIS, President of SFS – Slovak Phaleristics Society
“The Belgium War Cross”, by Corresponding Academician Colonel ‘BEM’ RET Eric TRIPNAUX
Panel 2 was also attended by a large audience, including Corresponding Academician Jens Van Herck of Belgium and Kristina Marcišová Venglíková of Slovakia, and Academicians Lieutenant Colonel RET. José Manuel Pedroso da Silva, Dom Sigismundo Empis de Bragança, Arqtº Pedro Serra Vaz, Com. João Bellem Ribeiro, Mestre José Estévens Colaço and Indalécio Pereira Monchique.
After the Luncheon hosted by Major-General Aníbal Flambo, at the Lisbon Officers’ Mess at the Palace of the Counts of Barbacena, a guided tour of the Museum of the National Republican Guard was held at the Carmo Quarters, where participants were received by Lieutenant General Luis Francisco Botelho Miguel – 2nd General Commander of GNR, who gave a welcoming address.
The Visit to the Museum and to the Temporary Exhibition – The Heraldry and Phaleristics of the GNR, was guided by Colonel GNR Reinaldo Nuno Valente de Andrade, head of the Division of History and Culture of the Guard, who directed the team that implemented the Historical Archive, the Library and the GNR Museum.
The museum collection of the Republican National Guard Museum consists of pieces that include the former Carmo Convent, the history of the Royal, Municipal and Republican Guards, to the present National Republican Guard. Special mention to the uniforms, arms, orders and medals and flags. (More…).
Thanks are due to our friends from Belgium, France and Slovakia for their support to this major event and
To the Directorate of Military History and Culture, in the person of Major-General Aníbal FLAMBO, our pledged thanks and congratulations for the success of the Congress.
Photos: © Guy Deploige and Paulo Jorge Estrela