«Cadernos de Falerística», nº 3

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A Campanha do Rossilhão no alvor das condecorações militares

The Roussillon Campaign at the dawn of the
military decorations

La Campagne du Roussillon à l’aube des décorations militaires

Humberto Nuno de Oliveira

The Roussillon Campaign at the dawn of the
military decorations

Six years after the announcement of the publication of “Cadernos de Falerística”, no. 3, with the study on The Roussillon Campaign at the dawn of the military decorations by Humberto Nuno de Oliveira, we are pleased to announce its publication.

The work deals with the involvement of Portugal in the Roussillon Campaign (March 7th 1793 – July 22nd 1795) with the sending by the Prince-Regent Dom João of a division called Auxiliary Army to the Spanish Crown, composed of about 5.000 men, under the command of Lieutenant-General John Forbes de Skellater, a Scottish in the service of the Portuguesa Crown.

An important milestone in the history of Portuguese Phaleristics, the Roussillon Campaign gave rise to the creation of military decorations that are little known until today, except for rare iconographic documents.

The author has already dealt with this subject in various publications, as well as did Paulo Jorge Estrela in his reference work, published in 2009, but now substantially enriched by research carried out in the last decade.

In addition, the valuable contribution of several Academicians and distinguished Phalerists in researching unpublished iconographic sources, as well as the discovery by the Academician José Marques of rare copies of the hitherto unpublished badges of the Rossilhão Campaign: the Grenade and the Artillery Piece.

This study presents and describes iconographic sources that were previously unpublished, as well as five physical copies – the only ones known to date – of four Roussillon Grenades and an Artillery Piece from the same campaign.

Price available to the public: EUR 17.12 + postage

Requests to the AFP Secretary; acd.faleristica@sapo.pt

Sale on-line at LULU – $ 18,37 USD