Welcome to the Web Site of the
Phaleristics Academy of Portugal
(Academia Falerística de Portugal)
Founded in 2008
Founded as a non-profitable Association (charity) under Portuguese law in 2008 by a group of Phaleristic lovers and amateurs.
The Phaleristics Academy of Portugal is an international association of collectors, researchers, amateurs and others, interested in promoting and develop the study of Phaleristics – orders, medals and decorations – through publications, namely a regular bi-annual Bulletin – «Pro Phalaris» – meetings, conferences, exhibitions and visits.
Pro Phalaris, with 21 issues published to date, is the only Phaleristics magazine with articles translated in French and English for the benefit of our foreign members and friends.
The Academy has also published «Cadernos de Falerística», # 1 and # 2.
High points of our activities were the organization of the IV European Meeting of Phaleristic Societies, Lisbon, 21-24 October 2010 and the I International Colloquium – The Great War in Phaleristics, Lisbon, November, 2014.
The Colloquium aimed at examining and discussing the impact of the Great War in Phaleristics mainly of the military and campaign medals and of other decorations created or awarded by the belligerent Nations in relation with the War, in an historical perspective, with particular emphasis on recent research and innovative approaches. In doing this, the Portuguese Phaleristics Academy follows its conviction that Phaleristics understood as an auxiliary science of history that studies orders, decorations and medals should not be confined to the organization of collections, the description of decorations and to Medal Rolls.
Indeed, the papers presented and discussed at the Colloquium, now published, despite its spatial and temporal thematic boundaries, highlight the prominent role that historic contextualization, thorough research of the sources and critical analysis play, in the scientific and epistemological development of Phaleristics.
Another event was the IV International Congress of Military Heraldry, organized by the Directorate of History and Military Culture of the Army Chief of Staff, with the collaboration of the Phaleristic Academy of Portugal and the Lusitanian Academy of Heraldry, November 24th, 2017, with communications by Guy DEPLOIGE – Curator of the Royal Museum of Armed Forces and Military History of Belgium, Corresponding Academician Jean-François DUBOS – Director of the Library of the Service historique de la Défense and lecturer at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University – Paris III, Dr. Pavol MARCIS, President of SFS – Slovak Phaleristics Society, Corresponding Academician Colonel ‘BEM’ RET Eric TRIPNAUX, Paulo Jorge ESTRELA – Founder and Secretary-Treasurer of A.F.P., and Founder and President of the Board of A.F.P.- Prof. Doctor Humberto Nuno de OLIVEIRA.
Among its members 40, are from 14 foreign countries, namely from Belgium, France, Denmark, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ukraine, U.S.A., Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Australia which account almost to 40% of our members.